3 signs that will be very lucky this weekend

3 signs that will be very lucky this weekend

These three zodiac signs will have an excellent weekend, with luck on their side, a new love and many opportunities to succeed.

This weekend will be one of many blessings for some signs of the zodiac , according to what has been assured by several astrologers who have identified those people who will be very lucky during these three days.

This change is going to take place thanks to the fact that the asteroid Vesta in Pisces is going to turn retrograde, which is going to invite us to embark on an inner journey as we learn in what part of life it has given up its power or has allowed others to be the narrators of their own story. Which will cause these zodiac signs to be very lucky this weekend.

Vasta is considered one of the daughters of Saturn , one of the three who served to represent the feminine energy present in life and charged with protecting the world around her. During this retrograde phase, it is the perfect time to remember who you truly are.

Pisces : The most imaginative of the zodiac will be one of the most benefited by Vesta, which is similar to their energy and theirs will feel magnified in this transit . It also represents the perfect opportunity to truly break free and get away from all those scenarios or people that require you to compromise your values ​​in order to have a relationship with them.

Boundaries are something that people born under this sign often challenge because water, of course, flows. However during Vesta in Pisces turning retrograde it represents the perfect opportunity for her to return to her own inner sense of power.

Lucky zodiac signs. Photo: Unsplash
Lucky zodiac signs. Photo: Unsplash

The part of Pisces that is intuitive, gifted, and able to see things far beyond what the physical eye can see. This is where your inner fire resides. Others may be intimidated, however, you, Pisces, no one is going to bring you down.

Virgo : The last time Vesta turned retrograde was in your sign in 2021. Now, in Pisces, as it is your opposite sign, it will continue to affect you differently. Instead of this coming in and having radical changes in your beliefs and behaviors , it will greatly affect the romantic relationships sector.

This area has seen a lot of changes in the last year, due to all the energy of Pisces, including Jupiter, the expanding planet that moved through this water sign. It is planned to do so again later in the year.

This time, however, Pisces is asking you to reflect on your relationships, the choices you’ve made, and the direction you want.

Libra : You are the fairest of the zodiac, and the Moon is currently in Libra, with the first lunar quarter this energy is all about what you must leave behind so you can have room to bring in the new. Vesta in Pisces activates everything that is related to health.

Healthy living, mindset, communication, and even relationships spill over into your professional and personal life. A wave will come in which you will know what you must tolerate and allow from others.