Create A Padlock To Close The Teeth And Lose Weight

Create A Padlock To Close The Teeth And Lose Weight

If you ever thought about closing your mouth to stop eating the same and lose weight, you will be surprised to know that now there is a lock that makes your wish come true, do you dare?

For many people it is in their complete interest to take care of their health and be more selective with what they put into their mouths, so it is common to hear that people say "I’m going to put a lock to lose weight" but no one would imagine that someone would take these words literally.

Today there is a new device that forces you to stop eating and follow a very strict diet based on liquids, it is a lock that prevents you from opening your mouth to chew food, and its name is DentalSlim Diet Control, and Although it appears to be an aggressive and exaggerated resource, experts assure that it is a totally viable option for people with obesity and lack of control in their habits.

The DentalSlim Diet Control has been created by researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand and the University of the United Kingdom, How does it work? The appliance is adjusted to the upper and lower back teeth to create a kind of lock where the mouth cannot be opened too wide, but enough to drink liquids.

The space that allows you to open your mouth is only 2 millimeters, therefore, it forces you to exclusively consume liquids to get through them the necessary nutrients that your body needs to be in good condition; For his part, Paul Brunton, Associate of Health Sciences at the University of Otago, believes that this is a good alternative for people who are struggling with being overweight.

The main barrier for people to successful weight loss is compliance, and this helps them establish new habits, allowing them to stick to a low-calorie diet for a set period of time, he said.

So far the padlock has already been tested in New Zealand, and the results have been surprising, those who participated lost up to 6.3 kilos in just two weeks, and once they realized the effectiveness of the device, they decided to continue with the diet until reach the final goal.

The really complex thing is the placement of the appliance, since it is not something that any orthodontist can do, since it has magnetic pins made to measure, but before placing it, the teeth must be separated a couple of millimeters with elastics very similar to those used to adjust teeth in orthodontics.

Once the teeth have the required separation, an impression of them is taken to make the magnetic pins with stainless steel metal bands; Once the device is in place, it will allow you to speak and breathe normally, in a way that guarantees you that you will not have side effects.