What can vitamin C do for your beauty?

What can vitamin C do for your beauty?

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that prevents and corrects the effects of aging

Marta Martí, technical manager of the Montibello cosmetics firm, assures that “the secret to youthful skin lies in light, the definitive beauty trick to achieve a pearly and very flattering appearance for the skin capable of awakening and rejuvenating the skin at any age ”, a firm that has Vita Pure C in its anti-aging line to achieve the “glow” effect on the skin.

Martí points out that cosmetics with vitamin C "prevent and correct the first signs of aging" and manage to smooth wrinkles by providing "maximum luminosity and vitality to the skin", which is why he proposes the use of Montibello Collagen Infusion, a serum indicated for devitalized skin and with the first signs of aging that bases its effectiveness on a powerful infusion of concentrated vitamin C, collagen and microencapsulated squalane.

One of the star ingredients of the Swiss firm Valmont’s antiaging line is vitamin C, even at the time of exfoliation, "to enrich the tissues," explains Felicidad Carrera, director of the centers that bear the same name.

What can vitamin C do for your beauty?
What can vitamin C do for your beauty?

The director of the Germaine Goya beauty institute, Carmen Díaz, assures that from the age of 35 it is essential to prevent and maintain the youth of the skin. "And one of the components is vitamin C, as it is an excellent antioxidant."

"The advantage of this type of treatment, compared to others that are more aggressive for the face, is that they make use of the skin’s own elements, so the final result is natural and does not modify the structure of the cells, while achieving eliminate flaccidity and provide greater luminosity to the skin”, explains Díaz.

protection against radicals

During winter, the skin becomes drier due to the cold and heating, it appears duller and redness appears on the nose and face, a reason why doctors Mar Mira and Sofía R. del Cueto recommend eating a diet rich in vitamin C and antioxidants to promote, from within, "skin protection against free radicals".

Cellular oxidation is one of the main causes of skin aging, as explained by Heber Farma laboratories, "a natural and inevitable process that can be slowed down thanks to vitamin C and ozone".

"Being a powerful water-soluble antioxidant, it is associated with several beneficial effects on the skin’s immune system", a reason why Antiox-C, like Pro Vitamin C, is one of the products from this laboratory that is activated with skin phosphatase.

"This is stabilized vitamin C that guarantees its activity until the moment it is used, since this vitamin by itself is very unstable, otherwise its lifespan is very short."


Ozone is your second ally in the form of ionized oils, and activates the skin’s natural defense systems, prolonging the life of our cells.

The cosmetic firm Sensilis has also launched a new line of brightening, antioxidant and revitalizing products, Skin Delight with vitamin C.

"It illuminates by eliminating the signs of fatigue, thanks to its high content of anti-pollution active ingredients: hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. A shock treatment for all those women with a frenetic rhythm and whose skin has suffered," they indicate from the firm.