3 signs that will discover who loves them in silence during the week

3 signs that will discover who loves them in silence during the week

These are the three signs of the zodiac that will be pleasantly surprised during the week, since they will discover who secretly loves them

Another week of the month of June is beginning and those in charge of studying the movements of the stars have been those who identified the three signs of the zodiac that will discover who loves them in silence . It will be a wake-up call for them to understand that the key to happiness lies in the efforts each one makes to make it a reality.

Thanks to the transit of Mercury sextile Jupiter , minds will be opened to the idea that we are responsible for the condition of our lives. This of course applies to love and relationships.

So, in case you feel like there’s someone out there who loves you but hasn’t told you yet, then it’s up to you to ask, straight up. Astrology has mentioned who will discover the person who has very deep feelings towards him during the week .

Gemini : This is one of the most attractive signs of the zodiac and is notable for being extremely sociable . You have long had a sneaking suspicion that a person has feelings for you that are not just " friends " and if your assumptions are correct, you believe that individual may be madly in love with you.

Although he is an extremely discreet person with the way he shows his love, this time he will not be able to hide it. Doubts will invade you, that is why you will not hesitate to ask him, having a positive answer.

Mercury sextile Jupiter will open the doors to the information you were waiting for: that person loves you.

Zodiac signs that are going to fall in love. Photo: Unsplash
Zodiac signs that are going to fall in love. Photo: Unsplash

Cancer : You are the most romantic and sentimental of the zodiac. Apart from being a lovable and attractive person. You know perfectly what it is to attract people to you, since this is something that has happened to you all your life. You are extremely charismatic and funny, and as you go down your path, you witness something that feels almost phenomenal: people fall for you easily.

So during Mercury sextile Jupiter, you will be in that position again, as someone in your immediate group of friends has begun to feel something deeper than friendship. Don’t be surprised if one of your friends suddenly admits that he loves you with all his being.

And as uncomfortable as that moment makes you feel, you may secretly enjoy that it happened.

Sagittarius : That desire for adventure and independence makes everyone fall in love, but it also prevents you from realizing that someone is in love with you. Until now. You are about to discover that someone in your life loves you much more than you can imagine.

They not only love you but also want a life by your side. Like Cancer, you are used to this type of situation, you have always had admirers and people who want to be in your life. Still, sometimes you are so lonely that you usually just smile and feel grateful for all that love without giving in to it.

There is hardly anyone who can take away a bit of your freedom.