Shoulder and upper back pain, your nervous system asking for help

Shoulder and upper back pain, your nervous system asking for help

If you are one of the people who is experiencing a lot of stiffness and pain in your shoulders and lower back, you should know that your nervous system is asking for help, and you have to help it as soon as possible.

Day-to-day commitments, especially those at work, can lead us to handle extremely high levels of stress , especially those that are under pressure ; however, it is important to understand that this threatens your health , and something must be done about it.

When we begin to experience shoulder pain , we can immediately associate it with a heart attack, which is possible, but not in all cases; Likewise, the pain can radiate to the arms and also be felt in the upper back , and all this together is the nervous system asking for help.

All kinds of stress , whether physical or emotional , accumulate, and when you carry too much you can feel a lot of stiffness in your upper back and pain in your shoulders that radiates to your arms, which indicates that the nervous system is too upset.

The nervous system asking for help. Photo: Pexels
The nervous system asking for help. Photo: Pexels

To understand it in simple and simple words, you have to know that the nervous system has two sides, the calm one and the altered one, so if you are experiencing this condition it is because your nervous system is loaded towards the altered one, therefore , what It’s up to you to relax.

Calming your nervous system is not exactly something easy to achieve, especially if the stress you are facing is inevitable, but you must be very strategic to prevent this from rising to a higher level, because if you allow it and this gets out of control, in your health you will find it

The first thing we are going to recommend if you do not have a strong economy, is to breathe, but not in a conventional way, but take deep breaths, since this has a calming effect on the central nervous system, and you can base yourself on some videos on YouTube to learn various techniques, they will be of great help, they are free and you can do it as many times as you want.

The second thing is to take magnesium and potassium , since both minerals are excellent for relaxing, but remember that there are different presentations, and the best of all is citrate, since it is more absorbable, that is, you have to get citrate supplements of magnesium and potassium citrate, although it is a thousand times better to get it from a natural source, and green juice is a wonderful option.

Finally, you have to find love for walking barefoot , but completely barefoot, that is, without socks, because when we step on the grass, the sand or the sea, that fills us with electrons that works as a tremendous help for the nervous system. , that’s why visits to the beach are highly recommended, how about a mini vacation? not everything is work huh.