Superstitious And Fearful Zodiac Men

Superstitious And Fearful Zodiac Men

Everything bad that happens to them is attributed to magic or something supernatural, they live in fear that something terrible may happen to them

Walking under a ladder, passing salt from hand to hand or meeting a black cat is the worst thing that can happen to these superstitious and fearful men of the zodiac , because their day will be totally black.

Their beliefs are not based on science, however, it is something that superstitious and fearful men of the zodiac have deeply rooted, good or bad luck is given to facts of a supernatural nature.

These superstitious and fearful men of the zodiac suggest themselves to be fascinated in a negative way by events that for others can be the most normal as breaking a mirror by accident or meeting a black cat in the street.

The Libra man uses amulets to feel protected from evil. Photo: Freepik.


Always worried about what will happen to him in the next few hours, he is too superstitious, so much so that he does not put a step in the street without first consulting what his horoscope says today, he tries not to go under any stairs or by mistake.


Too superstitious, he tries to block the negative from his mind, because just thinking about negative things makes him nervous, he is afraid to face new terrain, he does not like to talk about the bad things.


He wants to be safe from all evils, he does not hang a necklace of garlic because it would smell something bad, but if it is one of the men who goes to read tarot cards, he uses oils to ward off bad vibes, performs protection rituals and how much help you stay safe.


Resorting to amulets for everything is his strength, he does not want to know anything about bad luck, he tries to protect himself from bad things, but he is ashamed that others find out that he is afraid of questions of magic and bad vibes, that is why he prefers to act like If I were afraid of nothing

The evil eye, bad vibes and the esoteric can be silly for some people, but for others they are situations that dominate their life, they prefer to protect themselves from those things and not be near anything related to the dark.

It may interest you: Bossy and conceited men of the zodiac.