April 24 puts women on alert for Tik Tok challenge

April 24 puts women on alert for Tik Tok challenge

Hundreds of challenges have gone viral on Tik Tok, but there are some that are too extreme, like the one on April 24 that puts women at risk.

Social networks are exceptional when used in the right way, to connect with friends, to brag about your vacation, to share funny videos, but when users take them for negative acts, they can be dangerous, like this Tik Tok challenge from April 24 that has alarmed women and has them afraid to go out on the street this Saturday.

Social Networks allow you to maintain communication with people who are in other places far from you, to be informed globally, but unfortunately the use that can be given to them tends to have no limits and the improper use of these can cause Many people fall into crimes or panic, like the one that is causing this April 24 Tik Tok challenge that has alarmed women .

Within a huge wave of attacks against women for the simple fact of being women, a challenge has appeared that has gone viral and that, it is pointed out, emerged on Tik Tok, the application that has increased its fame among adolescents and young people and that It has many intimidated with fear that this challenge will be met by several men.

tik tok challenge
The Tik Tok challenge of April 24 that has alarmed women. Photo: Pexels.

Attention parents, you always have to be attentive to what your children see, read and share on social networks, what they do on their profiles, with whom they start conversations, because they can fall into extremely dangerous challenges that also endanger not just your integrity, but that of other people.

The Tik Tok challenge of April 24 that has alarmed women. Photo: Pexels.

Tik Tok has been the application that has had a gigantic boom especially among adolescents and young people, they record videos dancing, imitating famous people, but there are also endless challenges in which other users encourage them to do them to fit in a certain group. or being popular, there are from innocent challenges, to those that cannot go unnoticed.

There is a challenge that they claim emerged on Tik Tok under the hash tag "#April24th2021 and which they named National Day to commit acts against women, such as strong aggressions that put their lives and dignity at risk, attacking them for the simple fact of being female, this challenge is driven by men.

The challenge warns that women should be careful and not leave their homes this Saturday, April 24, because the men who agree to meet this challenge will harm them, the worrying thing is that this challenge has spread to other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and there are already several videos of men agreeing to carry it out..

From what little is known about the origin of the challenge on April 24, it is that it was launched by 6 men through a video in which they also gave some "advice" to harm women on this day, said material has not been found by the Tik Tok platform, although they have called on users to report any video posted on their platform that incites this challenge, just as they also work to eliminate the accounts of all those users who violate their rules.

Some users assure that this challenge is only a joke in bad taste in which the men who accept it are only in the form of a mockery, but that has been enough for many women to fear going out on the street this April 24, for parents have also been asked to be attentive to the content that their children see and upload to their social network profiles.