"I would give him the role of a tree" This is how Alfredo Adame criticized Nicola Porcella

Alfredo Adame let out his tongue and harshly and directly criticized all the participants of The Academy, and here no one left him alive without first giving them his classic poison that to this day they keep him as ‘The God of the rating’

The controversial Mexican actor Alfredo Adame also self-proclaimed "The God of the rating" again gave something to talk about when he was asked about the performance of Nicola Porcella in La Academia, whose response did not turn out to be entirely kind.

Without mincing words, Adame disapproved of Nicola’s performance, and said that he would give him the role of tree 3, chair 2 or table 3, for being quite “deadpan”. It should be noted that previously he had also been criticized for not convincing with his participation, although little by little he began to have more experience.

For her part, the actress Jely Reátegui would have described Nicola Porcella and Angie Arizaga as “doors” in 2016, since their performance reminds her to see “two doors talking”, since basically they do not transmit anything, and it is something where they completely coincide with Adame, who in turn said the following:

He is inexpressive, he did not analyze the text what he was going to say, I would give him the role of tree 3, chair 2 or table 3, of something. He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t act, he doesn’t interpret, absolutely nothing.

In addition, Alfredo continued to finish them off by saying "let them dedicate themselves to selling masks for the coronavirus or alcohol", since he does not see any future for acting, because "success is not a matter of luck, it is an intelligent work plan" And as if that were not enough, he also had to give Mario Hart and his performance with Korina Rivadeneira.

This Mario Hart, if I were the stage manager I’d kick him off the set and send him to acting school.

And regarding Pato Parodi, he also talked about a scene where he confronts Milett Figueroa, "They are telling the girl ‘you were the one who caused everything,’ he says it as if he were saying ‘let’s have fun in the park,’" he said. . He even gave his opinion on the scene where Patricio sings a ranchera.

In truth, it magnifies the movements of bodily expression. Here the stage director failed, in the first place, it is an aberration, the ridicule to which the boy was exposed is impressive. The one that sweeps the forum would work better. Being a handsome man, tall, strong and all, he looks soft. What did you do in that scene? The biggest ridicule I’ve ever seen in my life. pointed out.

For their part, Milett Figueroa and Melissa Loza were not spared from criticism either: “Here it seems that they are having a little coffee with friends. Instead of telling them the truth, they give hints, and hints aren’t good if you don’t know how to interpret them. Failed, very bad actresses, they did not commit to the scene, "he concluded.