More States Want To Ban Junk Food In Mexico

More States Want To Ban Junk Food In Mexico

The initiative approved in Oaxaca to regulate the sale and consumption of junk food for minors, wants to be implemented throughout Mexico

The approval of the initiative in Oaxaca to regulate the sale and consumption of junk food in the State has aroused much admiration in various Mexican entities that have raised their hands to also legislate on this issue.

The child health problem in Mexico is so serious that various States of the Mexican Republic also want to approve an initiative similar to that of Oaxaca to prohibit the sale of junk food to children.

Various states of the country have also expressed their desire to continue with this modification in local laws so that junk food is prohibited and the health of children is not affected, as happened in Oaxaca.

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Fried foods and sugary drinks will be regulated in Oaxaca. Photo: Freepik

Oaxaca has positioned itself as one of the States of Mexico that has legislated the most to solve problems considered serious for the country’s population. The most recent legislation that was approved in the Local Congress of Oaxaca had an impact throughout Mexico. to such a degree that other Entities want to follow the example of Oaxaca.

the addition of Article 24 bis of the Law of Rights for Boys, Girls and Adolescents in the State of Oaxaca to regulate the sale and consumption of junk food as well as foods with high caloric content so as not to affect the health of children and not grow up as sick adults.

But Mexico City, Tabasco and Colima have also shown their concern to apply similar legislation in order to prevent diseases and take care of the health of children, mainly to avoid childhood obesity in which Mexico has occupied the first places worldwide.

The CDMX head of government Claudia Sheinbaum, the governor of Tabasco Adán Augusto López and deputies from Colima have formally and publicly said that they will soon begin with initiatives to regulate the sale and consumption of food considered as junk among which There are sugary drinks and fried foods so that they do not affect the health of children.

Apparently the law approved in Oaxaca has begun to have an impact beyond the State and it is expected that all the Entities of Mexico will join to safeguard the health of minors.

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