Men often use phrases in which their infidelity is hidden, but it is always necessary to connect those phrases with their behavior
When men are unfaithful to their partners siéndoles, behaviors can betray them more than they believe. One of them is the phrases they use when a man has a lover.
When an unfaithful man has one or more lovers, they usually say phrases either being among friends or with the same partner with whom they reveal that they are being unfaithful.
Men often give themselves away just by saying phrases that reveal the infidelity they are committing. A man can be discovered in his infidelity through the phrases he says in certain conversations.
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Cheating is the biggest secret for men and women alike. However, sometimes there may be some traits that make them give themselves away to friends or even to the wife or relationship they are in. Some of the phrases are more common to be used as a pretext or in conversations where double meaning can reveal infidelity.
I’m going with the other
Although it may sound very literal, men use this phrase as a sarcasm when it is often true. Of course, a phrase is not enough to discover an infidelity of men, but when the behaviors that men have are very suspicious and also use this phrase frequently either as sarcasm or as a tease to provoke, more attention should be paid, not is it going to be true.
Already all the different
More than anything this phrase is used as a pretext when men try to make it clear that they have a lover. To say that everything is very different from how it was before in the relationship, things can get more tense than usual and all because perhaps the man already has a lover and is looking for a pretext to get away from his previous relationship.
I have no time
Men who use this phrase constantly in any situation, but more so when they receive calls from their partner or there is some unexpected plan between them, it is what men show the most when they have a lover.
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