Should I Block My Ex-Partner From WhatsApp?

Should I Block My Ex-Partner From WhatsApp?

Blocking the WhatsApp partner is a good option for those who do not want to know anything about that person at all

Nowadays, having contact with the person you want is the simplest thing in the world, for this reason when we end a relationship, a question arises , should I block my ex from WhatsApp?

Having his contact in said messaging application also allows you to know or at least suppose about his state of mind, since thanks to his states you will be able to know what he is doing, in case this may be unpleasant, it is important that you respond in honest way if I should block my ex from WhatsApp.

Will help you forget

Ending a relationship is not an easy thing, and there is a possibility that your ex partner is also suffering. In case she is the one who finished everything, she may want to remain as a "friend (a)" however, although it seems all very beautiful, it is not the right thing for you.

Losing all contact is the best way to overcome a separation and the most recommended. This does not mean that it will be an eternal situation, but it does mean the best while you accept that this relationship is over. Right now, blocking your ex WhatsApp partner can save you from future disappointments.

I must block my ex partner from WhatsApp. Photo. Visual hunt

If it affects you to see that he is happy without your company

Thanks to the states you can see that that person who was special in your life is happy without your company or if the opposite happens. Regardless of how you are taking the breakup, knowing him won’t help you at all if your goal is to forget.

Blocking your ex partner on WhatsApp if knowing each movement he makes affects you is the best thing for your emotional stability.

Your ex partner has become somewhat annoying

At other times it is not you who insists on not cutting off all contact, but the other person. If whoever you considered your better half wants to keep talking to you but you don’t want the same, blocking it from WhatsApp is a good option.

In this way you will make it clear that you do not want to know about her / him and you can end the harassment and discomfort.

You will not be tempted to seek him / her

If what you want is to realize that that person does not want to have contact with you, it is best to block your ex from WhatsApp . You may have already written to him, however you didn’t get a response from him.

In this situation it is beneficial that you do not have contact with your ex, for this reason if you know that in order not to have the desire to look for him you have to resort to that, the best thing is to do it.

If you block your ex from WhatsApp you will not have temptations. Photo: Pexels

You are strong and you don’t care

In case the breakup was not painful at all, you do not feel bad for it and you think it is something you can overcome, there is no need for you to block your ex partner from WhatsApp.

You don’t want to appear "immature"

Even if you still have mixed feelings, sometimes you feel that you want to look for that person, other times you hate them and your days become a movement of emotions, but you don’t want to make them notice, it is best not to block your ex partner on WhatsApp.

You realized that by blocking her you will show how much the separation hurt you, that you are angry and above all that you still love her, it is best not to do it.

They have a new partner

In case the two of you already have new relationships, there is no point in cutting off that bond. It will be up to the other person if they want to have contact with you, but in this case there is no need to block your ex WhatsApp partner.