These are one of the most difficult areas of the body to work with, but with these exercises you will achieve very favorable results.
Whenever the holiday season arrives, we are usually very concerned about showing off a slim and attractive body , because we want to look pretty in that swimsuit that we like so much.
Having a fit body is not a task for a few days, because to achieve it we must follow a diet plan and also carry out an exercise routine to reduce belly and waist , like the ones we present below.
The abdomen area is one of the most difficult to get in shape , as it is made up of very short muscles that burn few calories, it is also an area in which fat accumulates very easily due to our sedentary lifestyle and poor posture. bodily.
There is a study that states that exercise provides a better mood than money. So go ahead and get active once, because the benefits will be many.
We recommend the following routine, for which you will only need a yoga mat:
Leg raises
Lying on your back, with your back straight, place your hands with your palms facing the ground under your hips.
Raise one of your legs until it is 90 degrees to your back, then lower it, but do not allow it to touch the floor again. Now it is the turn of the other leg, insert both in two series of ten repetitions for each leg, you should never flex them.
Reverse bike
Do you remember the exercise of pedaling lying down? Well, this is very similar, it is only different in the sense in which you move your feet.
Lying on your back, and with your hands as in the previous exercise, pedal backwards, as if making a circle with your feet. Count ten reps for each leg.
Knees to chest
In the same position, bend your knees together until they reach your chest. Don’t worry if you don’t make it at first, don’t force yourself. Once you have brought them as close to your chest as possible, stretch and repeat. Do 10 reps total.
In addition to these exercises, we recommend you eat a healthy diet, take into account this list of foods that you should eat to get rid of your belly.