When you end a love relationship you don’t have to mourn

When you end a love relationship you don't have to mourn

When you end a relationship, some people tell you that you have to mourn what you experienced with your ex, but it is not an obligation to stay that way for a long time.

When you end a love relationship, you have many people advising you, telling you what you should have done, telling you the next step you have to take, others encourage you to get up from that fall, but others ask you to mourn what you experienced with your ex partner , but you have to know that you don’t have to stay suffering for something that already happened.

Mourn a love relationship that has already ended? there are those who give this space where they do not allow themselves to meet someone, go out with another person and remain in a state of sadness, of disappointment, this process is good to heal wounds, to recover, but as long as you decide , but not because that is right in the eyes of others.

At the end of a relationship, you may or may not mourn, you can take your time to get over the breakup, to rebuild your heart , but you have to decide that, you yourself go through this process that can take you a week, a month or a year, long enough for you to feel completely healed about that situation.

When you end a love relationship you don’t have to mourn. Photo: Pexels.

At the end of the relationship, you have several people observing how you react, if you take it in the worst way or if you immediately get involved with someone else, everyone feels entitled to comment on your attitudes and your reactions, if you go out having fun with your friends the first thing they say is "the breakup didn’t hurt much", if you go out with another person as friends, "I’m sure she already cheated on her ex with that one".

If you immediately start a relationship, the first thing they think is "he just broke up with one and is already dating another", the point is that you become the target of criticism, accusations and all the negative comments , from being the worst woman they don’t lower you, they want you to mourn, that your life stays on pause for a long time so that you get over the breakup, according to them.

They no longer let you choose the time you should use to recover, it’s as if they wanted to impose that mourning on you, but you don’t have to keep it if you don’t want to, because those people don’t know what you actually experienced with your ex-partner, no know if you were happy or not, if he respected you, if he gave you your place, if he treated you with love, they don’t know anything about the reasons for your separation.

They know what was spread in the gossip, what they invented, but they do not know the reality of what you lived in that relationship, how much you put up with, how much you suffered, how much you put up with, how much of yourself you let go of being by your ex’s side, how many dreams collapsed and how many did you forget in order to please him and not fight, don’t mourn him just because others expect it to be so.

If someone comes into your life who brings you a ray of hope, who teaches you to shine again, who comes to teach you the beauty of love that you did not know, then give yourself the opportunity, it does not matter if it arrives the next day, to the week or month after the breakup, you get back up, because mourning a love that didn’t make you happy is wasting time again.